
Welcome To My Homepage Become a Beekeeper What's New Guest Book Brochure Photo  Gallery Photos of Henni Penni Susan's Art Gallery Susan's Art Gallery P.2 OPEN HOUSE for AANE

Photo Gallery

This summer, take photos of bees at work. They are too busy to notice you and will not sting.

Mike, age 4, is inspecting a frame.

Children from the local childrens center have come for a field trip. After seeing the bees, they will hunt for other insects around the yard.

How Bees Make Honey Worksheet

This simple worksheet explains how bees make honey. It can be cut to make a small book. (Grades K-2)

Bee sure you know what a honeybee looks like:

A great photo from the cover of Mann Lake catalog!

Here I am thinking about the bees.

Beekeeping is a relaxing hobby.

Our dog Bailey comes to the hive sometimes.

Any classroom can be a place to learn about bees. E-mail me for a brochure,

Please contact me to schedule a workshop for your students!