About the Bee Experience

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My Beekeeping Beginning

 While teaching elementary school on Cape Cod, I attended a workshop about the environment. Lots of beekeepers place their hives on the Cape to assist pollination of cranberries. In 1972 I started my first year of beekeeping.


My Favorite Activity of Beekeeping

 My very favorite activity of being a beekeeper is sharing what I have learned over the years. Everyone has honeybees in their yard- please be sure you know what a honeybee looks like.

    On a warm day, when the flowers are in bloom, take a magnifying glass and stand next to the bee working on a flower. The bee is not interested in stinging you- she is there to work, collecting pollen and nectar from the flowers. If you are brave enough, touch the bee gently and see if she notices.  Why do I say 'she'? Go to my link about bee facts to find out why.

Other Beekeepers & Organizations

 Please contact the Norfolk County beekeepers Association at NCBA. They will also direct you to Bee School which is held at Norfolk Agricultural School in Walpole.  Some of the catalogs you might research include: Mann Lake or Brushy Mountain Bee Farm. These catalogs can be viewed on line and contain every piece of equipment necessary for becomming a beekeeper. They also include fun things to do such as making candles or soap.